Us email marketers love analysing the look and feel of email campaigns. Colours, fonts and image placements all get our attention.

So why would anyone want to create a plain text version? In this blog, we’re going to give plain text emails the attention they deserve, discussing why they are relevant and how you can go about formatting them.

Let’s start by defining the different versions of email campaigns that can be delivered:

HTML Version
The HTML version of your email campaign where content is formatted and contains images and links.

Text Version
The plain Text version of your campaign, without any images or formatting.

Multi Part Version
The HTML and text version of your email campaign combined.

When you use our email marketing platform, you’re given the option to create both HTML and text versions in a click of a button.

Unlike some email providers, we don’t automatically create a text version that you can’t edit; we give you editing features so you can utilise white space, special characters etc. to lay your emails out better.

But why create two separate versions in the first place? Are text versions even worth creating? Let’s explore why plain text emails are still relevant:

Best Ways to Format a Plain Text Email

So now you’re convinced to start creating text versions of your email campaigns, what is the best way to go about formatting them?

While you’re not able to use different fonts/colours/font sizes when creating plain text emails, including headers can break up the content and organise it in a way that’s easily digestible to the recipient.

Why not try using all capital letters or special symbols to make your headers stand out?

For example, rather than writing:

Contact Information

You could write:


This clearly denotes a new section of content and makes for more enjoyable reading by your recipient.

White Space
Another great way of formatting plain text emails is taking advantage of white space. Simply add line breaks between different content sections, before/after headers or any other content you want to stand out. White spaces also allow for easier scan ability.

CTA’S (Calls to Action’s)
When making HTML emails, you make your links bold, coloured and large to attract attention. In the same way, you want to make the links in your Text version standout.

To do this, try the following:

– Add headings for links so recipients know where each link will take them.
– Add some line breaks to separate the different links in your campaign.
– Put the links in square brackets to separate them for the rest of your text.

In saying the above, it’s important to only include the most important links in your text emails. If you send a text version campaign containing too many links, it may inundate your recipients and not receive the best response. Imagine opening a text only email containing too many links – it may be overkill!

Simplicity is key for text versions. A lot of marketeers exclude a bunch of content that exists in their HTML versions for their text versions. Some people even go as far to just include a link to a web version of the HTML email. This will take your subscriber to the HTML version via the plain text version.

Bullet Points
Lists are always a great formatting option when you have a lot of text. While actual bullet points are not supported, be creative and use special characters. For example, you could use:

* an asterik
– a dash
+ a plus
1. a numbered list
a. a lettered list
> an arrowed list
>> a double arrowed list

To summarise, creating a text version of your email campaign alongside your HTML version can help to increase your reach and email deliverability. It’s also a great way to cater for all types of recipients in your audience.

Creating a text version doesn’t have to be boring, make sure to use our tips to make your emails more effective.

If you’d like some more guidance, feel free to get in touch at