Industry News

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Why Campaignmaster Is Perfect for Councils

Campaignmaster is fast becoming the platform of choice for many councils, due to the many relevant benefits for these government bodies. Benefits include: In this blog we detail the additional reasons and advantages why local authorities have entrusted Campaignmaster with their email marketing and subscriber management. Security Measures We do everything we can to have […]

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Google & Yahoo – New Email Authentication Requirements

Very important reading for email marketers everywhere! Google and Yahoo (two of the biggest email providers) announced new measures last year that will take effect from February 2024, which will ensure you receive less spammy emails to these inboxes. If you send more than 5000 emails per day, you need to read this blog. Google […]

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How to Avoid Spam Folders

Professional email marketing is different to sending standard emails. Mass emails have to jump through quite a few hoops and hurdles and it all starts with leaving one server and meeting their gate keeper – the receiving server. Then, they have to pass the email spam checkers (looking at your Mimecast, Barracuda and others!) and […]

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Why You Should Create Text Versions of Your Email Campaigns

Us email marketers love analysing the look and feel of email campaigns. Colours, fonts and image placements all get our attention. So why would anyone want to create a plain text version? In this blog, we’re going to give plain text emails the attention they deserve, discussing why they are relevant and how you can […]

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Cyber Essentials Certification

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common online threats. In the UK over 30,000 Cyber Essential certificates have been awarded to businesses and organisations and Campaignmaster are extremely proud to be one of them. Cyber security refers to protecting systems connected to the internet from threats in cyberspace, […]

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What are SSL Certificates?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is a standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure, whilst also safeguarding any data that is being transmitted between two systems. In this blog, we are going to look into SSL in detail, outlining how it works and why it is important in email marketing. What is […]

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Service Messages Explained

For some companies, there are occasions when an unsubscribe link is not required in their email communications and that’s when they send a service message. A service message is a factual message that impacts the recipient of your email. It MUST NOT contain any information that could be interpreted as marketing material. The below email from Waitrose […]

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SpringShell Vulnerability

A new vulnerability has been identified in one of the frameworks being used for Java applications called Spring4Shell. This vulnerability can potentially perform a Remote Code Execution (RCE) on a system using Java Spring Framework. Impact on Campaignmaster At Campaign Master (UK) Ltd, we can confirm that none of our products are using this framework and […]

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Using Purchased Data

In the email marketing industry, there’s a lot of conversation about using purchased data and whether or not this practice should be allowed. The good news is that with CMAdvantage, you’re not restricted to only being able to upload organic data, we allow purchased data too. You might be thinking, why do you allow purchased […]

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