
Currently browsing all posts in the Deliverability category

Why You Should Stop Using Outlook for Email Marketing

At Campaignmaster we are repeatedly amazed at professional companies who send marketing messages via Outlook. We often hear the reasons for doing this as being “it’s free”, “emails get through” or “it does the job”. This may be right to an extent, but you could be doing a lot more damage than you know if […]

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Why Campaignmaster Is Perfect for Councils

Campaignmaster is fast becoming the platform of choice for many councils, due to the many relevant benefits for these government bodies. Benefits include: In this blog we detail the additional reasons and advantages why local authorities have entrusted Campaignmaster with their email marketing and subscriber management. Security Measures We do everything we can to have […]

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What is a Bounced Email?

We endeavor to deliver non-technical, non-jargon blog content to all email marketers – rookies and experienced alike. One terminology we regularly come across is bouncing emails and what these are. A common misconception is that a bounced email is when you receive an out-of-office automated message, but this is incorrect. An email bounce means the […]

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How to Avoid Spam Folders

Professional email marketing is different to sending standard emails. Mass emails have to jump through quite a few hoops and hurdles and it all starts with leaving one server and meeting their gate keeper – the receiving server. Then, they have to pass the email spam checkers (looking at your Mimecast, Barracuda and others!) and […]

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What are SSL Certificates?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is a standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure, whilst also safeguarding any data that is being transmitted between two systems. In this blog, we are going to look into SSL in detail, outlining how it works and why it is important in email marketing. What is […]

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Using Purchased Data

In the email marketing industry, there’s a lot of conversation about using purchased data and whether or not this practice should be allowed. The good news is that with CMAdvantage, you’re not restricted to only being able to upload organic data, we allow purchased data too. You might be thinking, why do you allow purchased […]

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Why Do My Emails Bounce?

In the world of emails, we often hear things like “I got a hard bounce”, “this email soft bounced” or “look at my bounce rate”. But what does it all mean? There are lots of suggestions about what a bounced email is. Some people think a bounced email is when you receive an out of […]

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When to Use and Not Use Auto Resend

Despite the increasing popularity of social media, messengers and chat apps, e-mail has remained central to digital communications and continues to grow. In fact, a whopping 306.4 billion e-mails were estimated to have been sent and received each day in 2020 according to statista. With these facts in mind, we are discussing the subject of […]

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You may have read our recent blog on blacklisting, but do you know what greylisting is? Greylisting (like blacklisting) is a popular technique for blocking spam emails. Blacklisting relies heavily on automated computer programs that programmatically analyse email traffic, to determine the probability of messages being spammy. These programs/bots aren’t perfect and can make mistakes, […]

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