
Currently browsing all posts in the Deliverability category

Gmail to Support Responsive Email Design. Finally!

If you have a Gmail account you probably need to pinch and zoom all over your emails. No friendly mobile version for you unfortunately. However, Google have announced some great news for email marketers; “Gmail and Inbox by Gmail will support emails created with responsive design, meaning their content adapts to fit screens of all […]

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Why You Should Stop Using a Shared IP Address

First of all let’s clarify what an IP address is.  An IP address is a unique string of numbers separated by full stops that identifies a computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. So what does this have to do with email marketing?  Well an IP address should be assigned to your […]

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Gmail’s New Postmaster Tools

So what have Gmail gone and done now?  And will their latest offering be a positive or negative thing for email marketers?  Remember the inbox tabs and category labels which had many marketers in a flap, worried whether their emails would ever make it to the primary inbox?  Ultimately, it actually proved to be a […]

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Can I Read My Emails on an Apple Watch?

So now we have something else to read emails on – the Apple Watch has arrived and the Smart Watch era is well and truly here! So is it a smaller iPhone strapped to your wrist?  Kind of.  It’s basically another device that notifications are pushed to and that includes texts, tweets, Facebook messages and […]

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Still Sending Marketing Messages Through Outlook?

Professional marketers you may be surprised to know that there are still a substantial portion of people who are absolutely resolute that they can achieve email marketing success by sending mass emails through their internal email system. In such discussions, phrases such as “it’s free” and “does the job” seem to be the standard response […]

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Your Guide To SPAM Traps

Deliverability is arguably the holy grail of email marketing. In order to maintain a high rate of deliverability we need to comply with best practises and maintain a good reputation with various Anti-spam institutes and organisations. These organisations exist solely to enforce anti-spam legislations and protect the general public from spammers. To achieve their goal […]

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Want to Improve Your Open Rates?

Did you know, over 190 billion emails are sent every single day? Almost 100 billion of these emails are B2B and as it stands there are over 900 million business email accounts in the world! Yes, I was shocked when I first heard this as well, but for email marketers this really puts things into […]

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Deliverability – What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever been shopping around for Email Service Providers (ESPs), chances are you’ve come across the word ‘deliverability’. You won’t find it in any dictionary, so what exactly does this mystery word mean? Deliverability is an umbrella term used by ESPs to measure the success or chances of an email being delivered. You’d be forgiven […]

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How to Avoid Getting a Red Card from Spam Filters

Deliverability is one of the biggest issues that email marketers have to tackle. Poor deliverability can seriously affect the chances of your email making it through to your subscribers. Spam filters can catch even the most seasoned marketer off guard, so what can you do to avoid them? In the past spam filters were heavily […]

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How to Use Alt Text to Boost Your Engagement

In addition to using live text, image-slicing & hidden background artwork you can also use alternative text, or Alt text, to give your blocked images a bit more context. Alt text is displayed while images are blocked, and usually contains a bit of descriptive text in place of the blocked image. Below you can see a Campaignmaster […]

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