When it comes to Blue light services, we’ve been entrusted by many fire & rescue, constabularies and NHS trusts across the UK to manage their email marketing.

With various platforms on offer to fulfil not only email communications, but survey and CRM requirements too, we’ve highlighted some of the top benefits and reasons why Campaignmaster is the perfect match for such organisations below.

In this first section, we cover relevant points to satisfy your procurement and IT departments:

Fully UK based

We process all data within the UK, never in the EU or EEA. Our data centre is based in central London and we don’t sub contract any processes either.

Competitive pricing

Despite the tough economic climate, we are helping blue light organisations save money. In some cases, we’ve identified organisations who were overpaying substantially for the same service, and since moving to Campaignmaster we helped them reduce their annual costings by 40%.

GDPR Compliant

We comply fully with GDPR, in addition to UK data protection laws. Click here for further details.

Approved Supplier

We are listed on G Cloud as an approved supplier.


We do everything we can to have and maintain the most secure platforms possible. Cyber Essentials and ICO/ISO certifications are held by Campaignmaster.

In addition, we provide multi-factor authentication, IP restrictions and advanced user privileges, adding an additional layer of controlled access. For further details on our security measures, click here.

We’re confident the above points have piqued your interest, but we’re not done yet. Our next section covers additional benefits based on support, functionality and flexibility:

Proactive Support

Fully inclusive of your package is UK based support. You don’t have to worry about ticket queues, as we provide instant support via direct email and telephone.

In addition, account management is incorporated into your package. All of our account managers are home-grown, which means you’ll have a knowledgeable expert to provide you with updates, bespoke training, and more.

Unlimited Data Uploads

Your account can contain unlimited data, contacts, lists and database fields with no additional costs to add further contacts.


Many of our clients use our email automation module to reduce manual work. For example, use automation to automatically send welcome emails to new employees. Another common use is automating event-related communications.

It’s worth noting, recipients can be segmented based on their previous campaign engagement, and automation can be used to send a series of targeted follow up campaigns.

Our automation module offers a vast array of possibilities and for further details click here.


Several of our clients rely on our subscriber forms and landing pages. We can rebuild your existing forms with improved layouts and more topics (there are no limits to the number of topics you have) to encourage new sign ups.

Additional features include preference forms and automated email notifications, helping you create a personalised experience to help you grow and maintain your marketing lists.


CM Survey allows you to design, collect, and analyse custom-built surveys. A wide range of question types are available including logic functionality. It is worth mentioning that our clients are using CM Survey to manage:

When compared to other survey builders, CM Survey eliminates unnecessary and clunky components to provide an enjoyable survey building experience.


Our clients enjoy the flexibility of choosing between two editors to craft their email campaigns: a user-friendly drag & drop editor for quick and easy design or an HTML editor for coding enthusiasts.

Using the drag & drop editor, you’ll have access to over 100 free, fully customisable templates. These templates offer a solid foundation for creating personalised designs tailored to your needs.

Moreover, our in-house design team is available to create custom mobile responsive designs that either mirror your website’s look or offer something entirely new, depending on your preferences. To give you further insight on our design services, click here


Accessibility is crucial, and our platform offers a ready-made tool that enhances the reading experience of your email campaigns. To the best of our knowledge, we are the only email service provider offering this functionality. Below are some of the ways visually impaired users can improve their reading experience with a few clicks of your email campaigns:


We offer a variety of popular out of the box integrations with well-known CRM platforms such as Salesforce and Dynamics. Alternatively, it might be the case that you’re using a bespoke CRM platform. Subsequently, using our powerful Rest APIs, you can use the various calls we have available to set up a bespoke integration to automate processes. We have inhouse integration specialists available to advise accordingly on the best approach.

At the start of this blog, we mentioned that we offer a CRM platform and this is known as CM Data Manager. Our CRM platform is customer-driven, suitable both for novice and advanced users, and integrates seamlessly with our email marketing platform. For detailed benefits, click here


Are you happy with your email campaigns highlighting your email service provider rather than your organisation entirely? Having migrated many organisations from alternative suppliers, we are aware of the restrictions when it comes to branding.

Using Campaignmaster, your sender identity is never masked and your from address is fully branded. We do advise all our clients to set up sub-domains or top level domains as this is best email marketing practice, so enhanced deliverability measures can be added from the outset.

Lastly, you have full control over the layout and design of each email you send. It is not mentioned in either of your headers or footers that you use Campaignmaster.


We offer various functionality to create and send personalised email campaigns. Our customised content module offers full customisation of email campaigns to suit each subscriber’s individual interests, which goes hand-in-hand with our segmentation functionality. The benefit of using this functionality together means increased subscriber activity and reduced unsubscribes.

To discuss your specific requirements in detail, please email info@campaignmaster.co.uk and one of our friendly representatives will be happy to assist you.

If you prefer, you can sign up here for a demonstration, and we will contact you directly.