Do you ever find yourself wondering if you’re sending campaigns too regularly, or too rarely? Asking yourself what is the right balance? Well, look no further friend.

You might think that sending a lot of campaigns would be effective; that the more calls to action you insert the better. However, this is most probably not the case. For some companies with certain subscribers, this might work… But on the whole you’d be doing more harm than good.

Research has shown that ‘The number one reason why people unsubscribe from your email marketing is receiving emails too frequently.’  This is why it’s so important to consider the frequency at which you send campaigns.

In an age where consumers are bombarded with information and promotions, you want your campaign to stand out from the crowd; be a breath of fresh air for subscribers. So how do you do that?

Optimising Your Frequency

Your subject line, content and overall design are key features to consider. However, all these efforts need to be supported by the right frequency so as not to deter subscribers.

Campaign frequency is heavily dependent on the company, industry and even each campaign.

For instance, a monthly newsletter from a university or company is monthly for a reason; there is no need to update subscribers more regularly. It would be pointless if they were sent on a daily basis. Information would become irrelevant and readers would most likely unsubscribe or find them a nuisance and complain.

On the other hand, job sites often give subscribers daily updates (or even several daily updates!) however, this is relevant to audiences as they can pass on new job ads as they come out.

If you’re unsure how frequently you should be sending campaigns, ask yourself if you’re getting any signs;

Key Signs That You’re Sending Too Frequently:

Key Signs That You’re Sending Too Infrequently:

Top Tips for More Efficient Campaigns


Ask Subscribers How Often They Would like to Receive Your Campaigns
By adding a subscription centre to your unsubscribe page, subscribers can set which campaigns they want to receive and how often – rather than unsubscribe entirely.


Email Those Who Have Just Signed up More Often
While subscribers are fresh your list, they are more likely to engage with your campaigns and expect to hear from you often. Use this time well! After a while you can gradually send to them at your average rate. It’s important to send a welcome email when people sign up and use that welcome email to introduce the company, show them something they might be interested in and allow them to set up their preferences (i.e interests/how regularly they want campaigns etc).


Say How Often You’ll Be Sending
If subscribers know how often to expect an email they’re more likely to engage with it. A good way to do this is explain what they can expect from you in your welcome email.


Stay Consistent
Keeping the same tone of voice and appropriate content will create familiarity. Subscribers know what to expect and this expectation will result in higher engagement and happier recipients.


Target Specific Groups
This links into giving subscribers a preferences option, e.g. an events company might send campaigns regarding theatre, cinema, dinner parties, corporate events etc. and subscribers are able to choose the sectors that interest them. This way they will only receive relevant campaigns.

Also, use your reports. If there’s a click-through – follow it up! Send that subscriber something relevant and they may well be interested.

The Verdict

So as it turns out, there isn’t a “silver bullet” for email frequency; it depends heavily on your company, industry and the reason for your campaign. The best starting approach is to send when you feel it’s appropriate and pay very close attention to the results you receive.

Do you see any of the warning signs outlined in this post? A noticeable change in bounces, unsubscribes or spam complaints? It may be worth re-thinking your send frequency and split testing this on small test groups from your send list. Notice an improvement? Roll out the changes to the rest of your list.