
Currently browsing all posts by Ameeta

Why You Should Stop Using Outlook for Email Marketing

At Campaignmaster we are repeatedly amazed at professional companies who send marketing messages via Outlook. We often hear the reasons for doing this as being “it’s free”, “emails get through” or “it does the job”. This may be right to an extent, but you could be doing a lot more damage than you know if […]

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Creating Outlook Style Email Campaigns

In the world of email marketing, design trends are ever evolving. One trend however, that is very effective are Outlook or plain text campaigns. What do we mean Outlook style campaigns? Great question. These are email campaigns (which are mass launched) that resemble a simple text email you would send directly from your email account. […]

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Google & Yahoo – New Email Authentication Requirements

Very important reading for email marketers everywhere! Google and Yahoo (two of the biggest email providers) announced new measures last year that will take effect from February 2024, which will ensure you receive less spammy emails to these inboxes. If you send more than 5000 emails per day, you need to read this blog. Google […]

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Email Footers and Why They Matter

When it comes to designing and building your email campaigns, you undoubtedly spend the majority of the time thinking about the body of the email and what you want the main message to convey – and rightly so. However, it’s important to take time and focus energy on the other key, structural component of your […]

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Why You Should Create Text Versions of Your Email Campaigns

Us email marketers love analysing the look and feel of email campaigns. Colours, fonts and image placements all get our attention. So why would anyone want to create a plain text version? In this blog, we’re going to give plain text emails the attention they deserve, discussing why they are relevant and how you can […]

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What are SSL Certificates?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is a standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure, whilst also safeguarding any data that is being transmitted between two systems. In this blog, we are going to look into SSL in detail, outlining how it works and why it is important in email marketing. What is […]

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How to Break up Text Heavy Emails

Grabbing and retaining your recipient’s attention should be the first objective of your email campaigns. However, you may find your results show that more text heavy emails have lower open and engagement rates. Don’t get me wrong, text-heavy emails definitely have their advantages. For example, instead of asking readers to click to read, content is […]

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You may have read our recent blog on blacklisting, but do you know what greylisting is? Greylisting (like blacklisting) is a popular technique for blocking spam emails. Blacklisting relies heavily on automated computer programs that programmatically analyse email traffic, to determine the probability of messages being spammy. These programs/bots aren’t perfect and can make mistakes, […]

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What is Blacklisting?

Blacklisting Blacklisting can be one of the most common reasons behind deliverability issues and by extension, poor open rates. In many ways’ blacklists are a very important component of the email ecosystem; they keep track of spammers and stop them from sending unsolicited emails to users across the web. However, sometimes legitimate marketers can end […]

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Do You Know Your Icons?

We’re certain that a lot of us have been helping friends and relatives on how to use smart phones and other digital devices during these times when we have not been able to meet each other in person. So, we created a handy infographic that may be useful to mums, grandads and anyone else who […]

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