If you can’t make the show and would like one of our reps to book a more convenient time for a chat then please submit your details here.
We’re thrilled to announce the return of our free email marketing conference for Campaignmaster users, Inbox 2014, on the 7th of October 2014. If you love keeping up-to-date with email marketing trends and endeavour to ever-improve your campaign performance, then this event is for you! Registration is FREE and is now open so book your place today to avoid […]
If you’ve got a big event coming up, one of your main priorities is going to be filling your guest list. It takes a lot of effort to put an event together, so you’ll want to make sure it’s a sell-out success. Thankfully, email can help make this process quicker than you think. In this […]
We’d like to say a big, big thanks to all of you that made it down to Inbox 2014 in London last Thursday. We had more fantastic content than ever before, making this year’s Inbox our biggest and best to date with spaces selling-out in record time. Our new venue went down a treat, and […]
With things finally beginning to warm up again, many businesses are preparing their summer events. Inboxes everywhere are already starting to fill up with invites to seminars, training days, sales events, and if you’re lucky, cocktail parties. We recently covered how to create a smart invite that lets subscribers RSVP from directly inside an email […]
We’re thrilled to announce the return of our free email marketing conference, Inbox 2014, on the 24th of April 2014. If you love keeping up-to-date with email marketing trends and endeavour to ever-improve your campaign performance, then this event is for you! We’ve put together an afternoon of talks to help you design and create […]
Last Thursday we held another Campaignmaster In:box event, this time at The Institute of Physics in London. We’d just like to say thanks to all of you that attended, you made the event a sell out success! The afternoon of talks started with ‘A 2012 Email Zeitgeist’, where we looked at ‘Email Marketing vs. Traditional […]
Back in March we held In:box, our first email marketing conference. A whole bunch of you came along, and we had a blast! In fact, the day was such a success that we’re going to be holding In:box again on the 11th of July 2013. We think it’s important that your email campaigns are as […]