email marketing

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Valentines Themes for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Valentine’s day is nearly upon us and with that we’re seeing extra displays of affection in email marketing campaigns. No surprise really when over £300 million pounds was spent on Valentine’s day in 2019! Obviously, we can’t all turn our emails pink and place hearts everywhere, but we can incorporate little touches to make our […]

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Opt Down Not Out

It is advisable to offer subscribers options of what type of e-communications they wish to receive, in order to send targeted email marketing campaigns. Below is an example of the different types of e-communications that British Airways have on offer: That’s quite a varied choice! If you have a large number of communication lines as […]

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Voice Assistant in Email Marketing

You might have asked Siri or Google to find a nearby restaurant, check the weather, play your favourite song or find your favourite football team’s score. These are commands we are all familiar with and use in our everyday life. However, today voice assistants can do much more, for example check your emails, read your […]

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Outlook GIF Support

2019 has been a great year for email marketing so far. Two things you might have noticed this year; one, GIFs are now fully animated on your Outlook desktop client and two, your Outlook mobile web app or Office 365 is displaying the mobile optimised version of the template. We wrote a blog on the […]

Read More To Support Media Queries & Enhanced Accessibility

Goes without saying that we want all emails to render correctly across all devices. However, we may sometimes run into issues where an email client may not support certain elements, or layouts, within the email. This becomes apparent when opening a campaign on a mobile device, where the email client does not support mobile optimisation, […]

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Growing An Email Marketing Database

Sorry to start this blog with some bad news, but unfortunately, it’s true. An email marketing database degrades by about 23% every year. There are various reasons for this and include people opting-out of your communications, moving to another employer, (so the email address is removed from servers), or just decide to stop using an email […]

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Subject Lines To Use For Halloween and Christmas

As we approach the festivities of Halloween and Christmas, it’s amusing to see something a little different in our inboxes. These are the times of year where we can get our creative juices flowing and come up with something different to peak our recipients’ interest. We’ve complied a selection of the best Halloween and Christmas […]

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Dedicated IP Address vs Shared and How It Affects Email Deliverability

Professional email marketers will know that there is no silver bullet to email marketing deliverability. The chances of landing in the inbox as opposed to the junk box, or worse, still not being delivered at all, depends on a multitude of factors. One such factor and a major one at that, is the IP address you are […]

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